Thursday, December 21, 2006

Past. Present. Future

Yesterday I logged on to mmu online to check next sem's timetable. At that instant, I felt old...

So many semesters had passed by, now I'm about to register subjects for 3rd year final semester. It's the same procedure every sem but doing this now is so different.

I still remember years ago... I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs at home reading mmu's prospectus, particularly at the subject named -- mobile & satellite communication, under tele major. I was thinking... hmm... it could be interesting to learn that, even the title sounds cool... and lo! here I am now, delta already! and never would I thought a simple subject named "Electronics" will turn out to be hell~

Too many pictorial memories in my mind now, flashbacks... I'm learning all these years, not only academically but also about life. I've so many dreams that need to be completed, will I be able to make it? Inspirations. I place my fingers onto the keys & does it lead to my future? The first step is made, I shall explore musical wonders & rekindle this faraway dream. Time is short, I have lost myself in this world & here I shall stay, to spread these inspirations.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Libraries of memories

It was evening that day, when I sat on the wooden bench near the lakeside of Alamanda. Gushing waters from the lawn noozles formed a perfect projection before dissolving into tiny specks of water floating in the air and settling onto the carpet grass, the rock and onto me.

The weather was mild and windy, the laughters of children can be heard from a playground just behind of where I sat. Looking up to the sky, I saw dark clouds looming at the south of where I am. I turned and gazed at what lies ahead of me. I look through to the end of the sky and it was a greyish-blue tapestry tainted with faded orange smudges to the west of it. The breeze has made the leaves rustle. Shatters of evening sunlight came through the cracks of the leaves and befell onto a serene mind that was running through the libraries of memories.

It was indulgence in dreams of the past followed by lost memories. Unspoken feelings swarmed over me. Somehow, it connects to my deepest soul and even the furthest remembrance of my distant childhood memories had surfaced. The evening sun, the leaves, the breeze and nature itself left me roaming in the discovery of those that has been long hidden.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

FEE Prospectus

In a land far far away, there's a university called M.M.U. (Mandatory Make-over University). And in this university there are 2 major faculties, namely FEE (Faculty of Entertainment & Enjoyment) and FCM (Faculty of Chestnut Machans).

FEE is headed by the ever highly reputed macha of all time -- Dr. 45. As the dean, Dr. 45 is not allowed to take any subjects in FEE such as BBQ1010. (Please note that Dr. 45 can only speak in English, speaking in other languages might cause irreparable noise figure, F) ASS dean is the notorious non-smiling Ms. Printer. (Hint: She smiles when Dean of FCM appears though). To help Dr. 45 with all the @$^ jobs, a secretary will be present and she is currently known as Ms. Shake-my-tail-feather.

Pre-course registration is now online and students can enrol at their own risk. Steps to enrol are as follows:

EC101 [1]
EC102 [Full]
Ec10n .................... please register manually
*Please proceed to FCM if course is full

Let's hear what the students & lecturers have to comment about this system:
- Haphaestion Lim: This is so much fun!
- Dr. Alexander Tan: Strong ah~~!

The organization of FEE is complex, but in M.M.U. we try our best to present you the staff and course structure accordingly:

Senior lecturers :
1. Ir. Dr. Chuah

-- PhD in wi-5 wireless madness.
-- Just got married to Dr. CTC - Chuah Totally Cute

2. Ir. Dr. Tan

-- PhD in wireless madness
-- Currently working in collaboration with Ir. Dr. Chuah for research in total madness.

1. Dr. P
-- Expert in BBQ, Masters in sexiness
-- Currently teaching BBQ1010 & ULIS3010
-- Obsessed with Dr. Alexander Tan.
-- Biological status : Perfectly heterosexual

2. Dr. Alexander Tan
-- Expert in Statistical Complaints
-- Currently teaching ULISS4010
-- In a relationship with Dr. P but still loyal to Haphaestion Lim.
-- Biological Status : Bisexual
(For further information of both lecturers, please read up Greek-Roman history lab sheet)

1. PDE macha

1. Mr. Mixer

Society under FEE is Supplementary Club a.k.a Supp Club. Ex-president CSY has been terminated and club will be taken over by Dr. Einstein-in-making, who always spot for the equation E=mc square in every single exam in FEE.

Students who fail to comply with FEE standards which strictly forbidden 4 flatters are required to attend president programme. Those with CGPA 3.99 would be excused for this programme and will be placed under probation. Dean's list will be awarded to those with CGPA 2.00 and below! If you happen to fall into 4 flatters category, please be prepared to face this scenario:

.::Dialogue session with Dean of FEE::.

Dr 45: You guys gotta go crazy man! Study just before the paper! You don't study everyday man!
Perasan: But I thought we are 4 flatters!!
Dr 45: Perasan, my boy, you are in the wrong faculty, you can drop course now.
Perasan+ch: *scratches head*
Mr. Roomie: *eyes glowing* How can I be in the barlist!
Nanga: No! This is not fair, man...
Dr 45: Hahahahahaha....
Perasan: *furious* I'm calling my uncle!!
Dr 45: Hello, is this 911? We have an emergency case here... ehem yeah, a... yes, Perasan Terasan Case 1011000011... uhuh.. that's right.
Nanga: Who you calling??
Perasan: *gasps* You're the 1st person who got my name correctly!!
Dr 45: Yeah, my secretary spelt it for me!

Ms. Shake-my-tail-feather: @#$^@#& All these students name damn long
Perasan+ch: Your name is long too...
ASS Dean: Stop complaining, we'll cut your pay!
Ms. Shake-my-tail-feather: Shaddap!!
(ASS Dean & Ms. Shake-my-tail-feather engaged in cat fight)

Nanga: Ahhh... What's this??
Dr 45: These people are all crazy man! *laughs to himself at one corner of room*
Mr Roomie: This president programme is lame, let's go back to our country man!
ASS dean: One more complaint and you're barred from every subject!!
Dr 45: ....Hello, is that dean of FCM? We need you here now to calm down the ass of ASS DEAN of FEE
Perasan: I'm so calling my uncle!
Perasan+ch: Mad world!
Nanga: I shudn't come here in the first place
Nanga: I rather go back to the jungle...
Nanga: And be king kong again
Ms Shake-my-tail-feather: *stil fighting* I'll be queen kong!!
ASS DEAN: No! me! me!
Dr 45: People! I don't pay you for nothing, you're stuck in FEE!!!

Education minisry fellars: *Walk in* ....I'M SORRY WE'LL HAVE TO CLOSE YOUR UNIVERSITY DOWN
M.M.U. President: Aiyoh...
Dean of FCM: Machas, com'on, don't close us lah... Let's go have tea
Education minisstry fellars: *glaring at dean of FCM*
Dean of FCM: Pleasssse... I promise I won't flirt with dean's ass anymore... errr, I mean ASS dean
Nanga: Oh!! That's what's been happenin between you and dean's ass!!
Perasan+ch: Errr... You mean ASS dean isit?